Transform your body in 2024 with a Limited-Time 50% Discount on Dad's Tactical Fit Guide


Hi - I’m Chris. I help busy family-focused CEOs & entrepreneurs transform their health and lives.


To take the complex, and make it simple. To provide sustainable strategies. And to unlock the potential deep inside of each man.


To help 10,000 men heal, transform, get fit, and live vibrant and purposeful lives by 2025.

[The Origin Story]

Over the past decade, I've had the privilege of guiding countless individuals toward achieving their fitness goals, whether it be shedding body fat, enhancing strength, or improving overall well-being. However, a profound realization dawned upon me during this journey - the pursuit of physical health often came at the cost of other crucial aspects of life, such as family, career, or spiritual and mental health. It was becoming clear that the path we were treading was not sustainable in the long run.

Then, in 2018, everything changed.

Throughout my life, I had been a dedicated and high-performing athlete, from my days playing college football to embarking on four combat deployments as an Army Ranger, participating in bodybuilding shows, powerlifting competitions, CrossFit tournaments, and much more. Yet, despite the countless accolades and achievements, I suddenly found myself hitting a metaphorical wall.

In 2018 as the new father of 2 boys (now 5 boys!), I couldn't help but recognize the stark parallel between my own unsustainable fitness journey and that of my clients. It was a sobering revelation that demanded action.

I was now years into my career in SaaS, growing 3 venture-backed startups, including one unicorn and what used to work, suddenly didn't work anymore.

It was at this crossroads that I committed myself to a life-changing mission: to unearth sustainable strategies that empower fathers to prioritize their physical health, lead their families, excel in their careers, and live lives brimming with purpose and impact.

I firmly believed that there had to be a way to harmoniously cultivate and maintain physical, spiritual, mental, relational, and financial well-being all at once. The status quo, both for me and my clients, simply wasn't cutting it.

As I looked out upon the landscape of the health and fitness industry, I recognized this same pervasive pattern of neglecting these other critical facets of life.

Since that time, I've honed a comprehensive approach designed specifically for busy fathers who are CEO's entrepreneurs, or executives, as I've been (and am currently still) in your shoes. I consider it my privilege and passion to share this invaluable system and knowledge with others.

Join me on this transformative journey, and together, we'll pave the way for you to have a future where fitness, family, business, and faith are well integrated, allowing you to thrive in every aspect of the human experience.


Read our Manifesto:


Fitness Plans

Sustainable, effective, plans designed for busy dads on the go.

Nutritional Guidance

Nutrition made simple and sustainable, especially for families staying healthy together.

Family & Relational Health

Learn valuable systems for improving your relational health and to lead your family well.

Habit Development

We are what we do repeatedly. Habit formation is often hard for men, but we make it easier.

Clarify Identity

Understand your identity and heal the things from the past that hold you back.

Life Coaching

After 12 years of marriage, 4 kids, working in SaaS, ministry, and health coaching, I can help.

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Join 2k+ mission-driven dads. Fitness, health, and spiritual growth for mission-driven & family-focused CEOs, entrepreneurs, and executives.

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